Sunday, July 24, 2011

I See Your Face In Every Sunrise


Let me start off with a bit of intro--I have never been a morning person. I am always the one to enjoy my sleep. I have never been a beach person. The combination of sun [aka sunburn], sand [aka annoying], and scary aquatic animals [aka jellyfish, stingrays, sharks, etc.] just never seemed appealing to me. But God has shown me something: when it comes to witnessing His beauty and His glory-you will become a morning person as well as a beach person. This beauty that I am speaking of...I found have found to be the sunrise. Waking up early to start your day out by witnessing something truly full of so much awe and wonder has proven to be completely worth it to me. Just think about how faithful the sunrise is. Every single day. It rises without fail. But yet every single day the sunrise looks different. Seriously, you know how they say no two snowflakes look the same? Well no two sunrises look the same either. Trust me, I've seen a lot this summer. And every single one that I've seen NEVER fails to amaze me. It's like all of God's power and glory and majesty and faithfulness just wrapped up into one display of His wonder. I can't even explain it. The best I can do to explain these pictures. They're all from different places including Myrtle Beach, St. Augustine, and Daytona Beach. So take a look and soak in His beauty and give Him all the praise and glory.

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