Monday, July 25, 2011

Phillippians 4:8

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable---if anything is excellent or praiseworthy---think about such things. -Phillippians 4:8

What a challenge that is! Seriously, consider how many thoughts you have had within even just the past hour that weren't noble or true or right or pure or admirable or lovely or excellent. It is SO easy [way too easy, if you ask me] to get wrapped up in all the negativity and corruption and evil in this world. But that's the key. As believers we are called NOT to be of the world but simply to live in the world and shine the light of Jesus Christ in all the darkness that appears in this world. In order to do that effectively, it must start at the core of the issue: our thoughts. We must focus very hard each day to only keep our thoughts on things that are glorifying to God. Yes, I'm not crazy, I realize how difficult this is. Especially in my own life. I'm not perfect. I struggle too with gossip and complaining and sarcasm and using my words to hurt others and having a bad attitude and I really could go on all day with what I struggle with. But the fact of the matter is that I have the power to change all that through the power of Christ. He has covered all my sins with His blood that was shed on the cross and now I have a decision: give them all up to Him or continue to live in this madness each day. And it starts with my thoughts. I must cleanse all my thoughts and have them focus on what is good and righteous and Holy. And you know what that all boils down to? Christ. I must think like Christ. It reminds me of that song: Give Me Your Eyes by Brandon Heath. So my prayer is that Christ will give me His eyes so that I can see and be able to make a difference in this world without being hindered by so many negative and unneccessary thoughts. Reflect on that as you listen to this song:
I love you and I'm praying for you, Aimee

1 comment:

  1. Saw you posted this blog address on Camille's wall. I heart blogs. And I heart you... so I'm following you now!! :-)
