Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

As an eighteen year old girl who just graduated high school, I have been faced with some pretty tough and critical decisions lately. You know that question.."What do you want to be when you grow up?" Well that questions takes on a whole new meaning after high school graduation. I actually have to answer it now. All throughout senior year, I really thought I had things figured out. I was attending Kennesaw State University through the Dual Enrollment Honors Program, so I figured after I graduated I'd just continue my education there, major in accounting, and live in the dorms with one of my friends from my sunday school class [shout out to Jessica--love you girl! (:] Well a couple months after making all those decisions...I kind of FREAKED out. I really thought I'd screwed up. I realized that I completely made all those decisions on my own...and pretty much left God out of the picture. I was terrified that I had completely ruined the unique and divine plan that He has for my life. This past summer I was lucky enough to go on many trips--all but one focusing on God. One of those trips was a mission trip to Myrtle Beach. While on this mission trip, I realized that yes God has a plan for my life and yes He's gonna use whatever decisions I make to fufill that plan as long as I'm following Him. A few weeks later..I went to BigStuf in Daytona. This was another simply amazing God-filled week where God really gave me peace about these decisions I've made. Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." I adore this verse. It shows me that yes I'm not perfect and yes I'm going to mess up BUT yes there is a God who loves me and makes all things work together for my good. He WANTS me to succeed and proclaim His name in this life. And I've really just learned that it doesn't matter which school I go to or what job I have. I can live for Jesus wherever I am. So whenever you're stressing about decisions. Just pray about it. God will answer you--but that involves you listening to Him. And whenever you think you've messed up, just remember that God can always use you to better His kingdom, you just have to let Him. I leave you with this, lyrics to my new favorite song:
Oh My God, He will not delay! My refuge and strength, always. I will NOT fear. His promise is true. My God will come through always, ALWAYS.

SideNote: I went to the Rome Braves game last night with the Sixes UMC youth. It was so fun, they won! And we got stalked and creeped on by the mascot, Romey. Somewhat terrifying, but very funny(: Here are some pictures from the night!

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