Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Deuteronomy 5:7

"You shall have no other Gods before me."
--Deuteronomy 5:7

Idolatry is something that often seems to be of the past. And it is often overlooked simply because we have the mindset of idols being a god that is worshipped and made out of gold or silver. When in reality, an idol can be much more than that. I have learned that an idol is anything you place before God. There are SO many "modern idols", so to speak, that are overlooked. An idol can be a person, a thought, an object, a place--anything. It's kind of ridiculous how easily we fail to put God first. It honestly hurts and burdens my soul to think about how much God loves us and cares about us, so much that He sacrificed His only Son [John 3:16], and yet He is constantly kicked to the curb in each of our day to day lives. Our goal each day should be to love God as much as He loves us, and try to be Christlike as we live our lives here on this Earth.  One way I think we show idolatry is by how we spend our time each day. We spend so many hours at school and/or at work, which yes I know is necessary, but would we be willing to spend that much time with God? Why can we find the time to sit and watch a two hour movie...but we refuse to spend ten minutes with God? We are all guilty of this, I know. It's just so frustrating to think about. I love my God with all my heart, but I know I don't show it enough. why? I have no idea. There could be so many answers to go here. All I know is that I need to be spending time in prayer and in His word, and changing the desires of my heart to be spending time with God--not fufilling worldly pleasures. Are you up for that challenge?

1 comment:

  1. it sure is a struggle... this reminded me of Mary and Martha... that Jesus said Mary "chose what is best" - there are always going to be things we have to do, but it doesn't have to be at the expense of what is "best" - thanks for the reminder!
