Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hebrews 13:8

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." -Hebrews 13:8

There's this thing we all try to avoid, but unfortunately we are all still forced to face: change. You know, some people like change. They are so used to change or excited about change that it doesn't even bother them. As for me, I hate change. I like things to be routine and reliable...not everchanging and unpredictable. But I've realized that's something I have to get over. Things are going to change, even when we really don't want them to. People leave for college. Those friends who we said would last forever..don't. And that house you've lived in your whole life won't always be there. But there is one thing that never changes...GOD. We always try [or at least I do] to rely on the people or ideas or events of this world..when in reality there is only one thing worth relying on. And that's God. In Hebrews it tells us that Jesus Christ doesn't change. How great is that??? Gosh, I've read this verse a million times..but for some reason tonight it's what I really needed to hear. I no longer have to fear change. I can let go of those friends, start those new classes, and be ready to live on my own. All because I have something that I'm taking with me. That isn't changing. EVER. The love of Christ will always be there even when the love of others runs out. But another thing...we can't wait until things start changing to realize we must rely on Christ. Develop a personal relationship with Him now. It will only make things easier and make your faith stronger when you are faced with those changes or struggles. Like the Jesus Culture song goes...

Higher than the mountains that I face
Stronger than the power of the grave
Constant in the trial and the change

One thing remains
Your love never fails
It never gives up
It never runs out on me
Because on and on and on and on it goes
It overwhelmes and satisfies my soul
And i'll never, ever, have to be afraid
Because one thing remains

His love really doesn't EVER fail. I promise. The Bible promises. God promises. We can fully trust in Him without having any doubts or uncertainties or anything. Doesn't that just make you wanna smile? I'm smiling. It just brings joy and peace to my soul knowing [and not only knowing-but truly believing] that I have one thing in my life that will always stay constant and always be on my side. Ahhhh [sigh of relief, lol]. Well here's a video of the song lyrics I posted above. Truly, truly reflect on how much God loves you and will always be there for you, no matter what.                                  

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