Thursday, December 29, 2011


Wow, well it's been officially four months and seventeen days since my last post...and this makes me sad. I was really enjoying getting into blogging; that is, before the dreaded school started back. Now I'm on break again until January 9th, but honestly I've been so bored I'm just ready to go back and dive into my busy lifestyle again. But, unlike last semester, I am going to make more of an effort to continue blogging. I think it helps me understand and remember what God is saying to me when I try to type it out into a blog. On that note, there are some things that I think I've realized about my life lately. One being that I don't know what it was I was searching for...but it seems like without even realizing it...I spent a lot of last semester searching for something to satisfy me. And in my head, I've always known that only God can do that. Anddd I think I realized that tonight in my heart. God isn't just an idea. He isn't just someone to turn to when you have the spare time lying around or you need a wish granted...God is real. He always has been and He always will be. God Satisfies. Period. The end. That's all there is to it. Nothing in this world will ever come close to being able to satisfy that void in your heart. Got that? Nothing. You can try all you want, but in the end, we will all come back to Christ. I really got caught up in going through the motions last semester...even though I told myself I wouldn't. That's what I can't understand. Looking back, I know my heart wasn't in my relationship with Christ. I had stopped depending solely on Him. But while it was happening, I don't know what I thought. I do know this. There will be some changes made. Tonight. I'm gonna stop saying Christ is my number one and I'm gonna start acting like it. I will stop putting off my daily time with God for other things, sleep especially. That's really what it boils down to. Daily [yes-every single day] time with God. How am I expecting to grow closer to Him when I refuse to spend alone time with Him? I dates are great, but I would have never gotten to know Justin like I know him now if we hadn't spent some alone time together. I feel like this whole blog is just some sort of rant or something...and I think I write these more for myself than for those reading it, but if you are reading this-thank you and I hope you might hold me accountable to all I'm saying. I really do want my relationship with Christ to grow-I am going to be willing to step out of my comfort zone and listen to what God is calling me to do. But it all starts with being satisfied by Christ. This post was inspired by listening to the song "Satisfy" by Tenth Avenue North on repeat on my way home tonight. Truly listen to the lyrics, I hope they spark something in your heart as well.

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