Monday, February 6, 2012

Perfect Timing.

How many times have your heard those words--"perfect timing"? Such overused words...but they're so true. Timing does happen perfectly SO many times. But have you ever stopped and wondered if maybe all that perfect timing wasn't just coincidence? Have you ever stopped to wonder who the designer of that perfect timing is. Maybe if we stopped to think a little bit about who made the sun rise this morning, and who keeps it at the perfect distance from the Earth so we don't melt or freeze to death then we would appreciate the divinity of absolutely perfect timing. Even for the little things. I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. Life won't always be easy, but we often need reality checks to remind us of how blessed we really are. I am so grateful that God is in control of timing. If I tried to live this life on my own, I know that I will fail every time. But the stupid part about those last two sentences is that even though I KNOW I need God to be in control and I KNOW I can't do this on my own....I still try to sometimes. When I don't agree with how God's laying out my life or I'm sick of waiting on an answer...I just take things into my own hands again. Isn't that so dumb? But I bet I'm not the only one guilty of this. God always has His ways to remind us that He knows best tho, doesn't He? I think the word I'm searching for in this post tonight is surrender. Let's surrender it all to Him tonight. Our whole life. Not just the parts we don't care about or are okay with giving up, but every single aspect of our lives. All to Him. To HIM. Let go and let Him.

Romans 8:7-8 "The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God."

As long as we remain trying to please ourselves and the rest of the world, we can never be pleasing to God as He desires. It's time to get our minds right, focus on our purpose to God above, and live for Him while we still have the opportunity here on Earth.

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